That's a fun question! Obtaining a patent can certainly be tricky, as the process involves several steps and strict requirements. But at Custos IPC, we like to unburden. Leave the difficulty to us, we are here to help you and not to be difficult.
Here we list a few important things to consider when getting a patent.
First, the formal requirements to get a patent. Your invention must be new, i.e. not known before. Furthermore, it must be inventive. This means that it must not be obvious to a person skilled in the art. And that's a criterion that can be quite contentious! Furthermore, it must be industrially applicable. But it usually is, otherwise it is not worth protecting.
Demonstrating that you meet these criteria is what we as patent agents specialise in. A preliminary research is also important in this regard so that you are well prepared.
The patent application further requires a good description of your invention, including drawings, claims (claims) and an abstract. This document must be technically and legally sound. And this is always tailor-made, just as a tailor tailors clothes to suit his customers.
After filing the application, the patent office conducts its own novelty search and assesses your application. If existing publications are found to be similar to your invention, you will meet with the Examiner to discuss, understand the objections and then make changes to your application if necessary.
Applying for a patent can be costly, with fees for filing, research, and legal support. Moreover, these costs add up if you want patent protection in multiple countries. So this is also something to think carefully about.
Furthermore, it can take several years before a patent is granted, depending on the country and the complexity of the application. During this time, you should continue to actively respond to the patent office's enquiries.
So, with the right support from the very beginning, anything is possible and nothing is difficult. And we are here to help you do that. We do it well and gladly!